Film and TV music written, performed & produced by Patrick C. Walker except where noted.

"In the Morning of La Petite Mort" feature, Flash Forward Entertainment & Filmer Creative Media Production. CW: very arty threesome, may fog up your glasses. Please excuse the watermark. Orchestral, art film, atmospheric

Untitled loop from "TripTank" S1E6 Comedy Central. Machine noise, sound design/foley, animation

Untitled loop. Experimental, animation, bizarre

"Breaking Ned" S1E3 (short). Flamenco guitar, parody, offbeat

"Hiding" ABC TV series. Cowritten with David Lees; performed/coproduced with David Lees, Chris Drane, Lloyd Briggs & me. Psych-folk, crime drama, eerie

"Hiding" ABC TV series. Cowritten with David Lees; performed/coproduced with David Lees, Chris Drane, Lloyd Briggs & me. Heavy rock, crime drama, angry

"The Rat House" (DIY music video) by Patrick C. Walker. Drums by Chris Drane, Bass/additional atmospheres by David Lees. Jazz, rock, ambient

Untitled loop: Dinosaur Jr. Parody song (DIY music video) just for fun.

"Yappy Hour TV" opening & closing credits. Channel 31/Channel 7 (regional). Family-friendly, animal doco, retro

"The Answer Is No" (DIY music video) by Farewell Horizontal. Drums/harmony vocals by Lauren Lime. Indie rock, lo-fi, power pop

My name is Patrick C. Walker, a musical artist from Naarm / Melbourne. I've written music for Film & TV: major networks & DIY jobs, commercial commissions & passion projects.

I record my instruments, make atmospheres from my recordings of nature & suburbia, & build my synth sounds from scratch. I abhor stock, library, AI, arbitrarily licensed or otherwise bad film music. I aim to match the uniqueness of the story on screen.

Here’s more music; most of it not yet used in film, but sounds pretty damn “filmy” if you ask me. You can also email me; that’s my email up the top there.